Register below for the most eagerly awaited for event of 2018!!
Debate On Friday 23/2/18 @ 6:30pm - 10:00pm (plus networking)
Topic: Africa IS full of ‘Sh!thole Countries’
What is the current state of development across Africa at the start of 2018?
Join us for an evening of lively, but structured and good-humoured, discussion and networking. A very small fee of £5.00 is being charged at the door. This is to help cover the cost of the venue and includes a light refreshment. It is therefore for you to register ASAP so that we are sure of numbers. I promise you, it will be fun and educative, all at the same time. Not to be missed!!! |
The leader of the world’s most powerful and advanced nation, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, is alleged to have said during a meeting last month that Africa is full of ‘shithole countries’. Following this revelation, traditional and social media, alike, lit up.
However, whilst there was a lot of condemnation, the traffic was by no means all one way. A number of people, including Africans, actually supported the alleged comments. So, what is the truth? What is the current state of development across Africa at the start of 2018? The debate will be preceded by a speed networking session and followed by a structured group discussion on the role of the diaspora in Africa’s future development. This meet-up is co-hosted by Star 100, a leading professional Ghanain network in the UK and Tujijenge Pamoja Network (TPN), the UK’s leading Kenya diaspora network. Our lead debaters are: Onyekachi Wambu, Executive Director, African Foundation for Development (AFFORD) Onyekachi has extensive experience in policy, advocacy and communications, and is a pioneer and innovator in the field of ‘diaspora and development’. He was educated at the University of Essex and completed his MPhil in International Relations at Selwyn College, Cambridge. Prior to AFFORD, he worked extensively as a journalist and television documentary maker for the BBC, Channel 4 and PBS. There will also be seconders from Star 100 and TPN. Light refreshments will be served. |